Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund VTI
Financial ServicesIndustry:
Asset ManagementDescription:
The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the index, which represents approximately 100% of the investable U.S. stock market and includes large-, mid-, small-, and micro-cap stocks. It invests by sampling the index, meaning that it holds a broadly diversified collection of securities that, in the aggregate, approximates the full index in terms of key characteristics.RSI:
$275.25Market Cap:
2,826,5952 Year Price Change
1.332Index 2 Year Price Change
1.3605 Year Price Change
1.792Index 5 Year Price Change
1.857PESPG: Growth Rate of EPS projected to next quarter and 6 months trailing. Lower is better to help calculate nexts quarters PE Ratio today. Diluted shares effects the EPS reported and makes calculation show as extremely poor expected growth.
Net Income
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